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Source Code

;* ======================================================================== *;
;*  These routines are placed into the public domain by their author.  All  *;
;*  copyright rights are hereby relinquished on the routines and data in    *;
;*  this file.  -- Joseph Zbiciak, 2008                                     *;
;* ======================================================================== *;

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  _PW10                                                                   ;;
;;      Lookup table holding the first 5 powers of 10 (1 thru 10000) as     ;;
;;      16-bit numbers.                                                     ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
    IF (DEFINED _PW10) = 0
_PW10   PROC    ; 0 thru 10000
        DECLE   10000, 1000, 100, 10, 1, 0

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  PRNUM16.l     -- Print an unsigned 16-bit number left-justified.        ;;
;;  PRNUM16.b     -- Print an unsigned 16-bit number with leading blanks.   ;;
;;  PRNUM16.z     -- Print an unsigned 16-bit number with leading zeros.    ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  AUTHOR                                                                  ;;
;;      Joseph Zbiciak  <im14u2c AT globalcrossing DOT net>                 ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  REVISION HISTORY                                                        ;;
;;      30-Mar-2003 Initial complete revision                               ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  INPUTS for all variants                                                 ;;
;;      R0  Number to print.                                                ;;
;;      R2  Width of field.  Ignored by PRNUM16.l.                          ;;
;;      R3  Format word, added to digits to set the color.                  ;;
;;          Note:  Bit 15 MUST be cleared when building with PRNUM32.       ;;
;;      R4  Pointer to location on screen to print number                   ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  OUTPUTS                                                                 ;;
;;      R0  Zeroed                                                          ;;
;;      R1  Unmodified                                                      ;;
;;      R2  Unmodified                                                      ;;
;;      R3  Unmodified                                                      ;;
;;      R4  Points to first character after field.                          ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  DESCRIPTION                                                             ;;
;;      These routines print unsigned 16-bit numbers in a field up to 5     ;;
;;      positions wide.  The number is printed either in left-justified     ;;
;;      or right-justified format.  Right-justified numbers are padded      ;;
;;      with leading blanks or leading zeros.  Left-justified numbers       ;;
;;      are not padded on the right.                                        ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;      This code handles fields wider than 5 characters, padding with      ;;
;;      zeros or blanks as necessary.                                       ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;              Routine      Value(hex)     Field        Output             ;;
;;              ----------   ----------   ----------   ----------           ;;
;;              PRNUM16.l      $0045         n/a        "69"                ;;
;;              PRNUM16.b      $0045          4         "  69"              ;;
;;              PRNUM16.b      $0045          6         "    69"            ;;
;;              PRNUM16.z      $0045          4         "0069"              ;;
;;              PRNUM16.z      $0045          6         "000069"            ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  TECHNIQUES                                                              ;;
;;      This routine uses repeated subtraction to divide the number         ;;
;;      to display by various powers of 10.  This is cheaper than a         ;;
;;      full divide, at least when the input number is large.  It's         ;;
;;      also easier to get right.  :-)                                      ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;      The printing routine first pads out fields wider than 5 spaces      ;;
;;      with zeros or blanks as requested.  It then scans the power-of-10   ;;
;;      table looking for the first power of 10 that is <= the number to    ;;
;;      display.  While scanning for this power of 10, it outputs leading   ;;
;;      blanks or zeros, if requested.  This eliminates "leading digit"     ;;
;;      logic from the main digit loop.                                     ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;      Once in the main digit loop, we discover the value of each digit    ;;
;;      by repeated subtraction.  We build up our digit value while         ;;
;;      subtracting the power-of-10 repeatedly.  We iterate until we go     ;;
;;      a step too far, and then we add back on power-of-10 to restore      ;;
;;      the remainder.                                                      ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  NOTES                                                                   ;;
;;      The left-justified variant ignores field width.                     ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;      The code is fully reentrant.                                        ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;      This code does not handle numbers which are too large to be         ;;
;;      displayed in the provided field.  If the number is too large,       ;;
;;      non-digit characters will be displayed in the initial digit         ;;
;;      position.  Also, the run time of this routine may get excessively   ;;
;;      large, depending on the magnitude of the overflow.                  ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;      When using with PRNUM32, one must either include PRNUM32 before     ;;
;;      this function, or define the symbol _WITH_PRNUM32.  PRNUM32         ;;
;;      needs a tiny bit of support from PRNUM16 to handle numbers in       ;;
;;      the range 65536...99999 correctly.                                  ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  CODESIZE                                                                ;;
;;      73 words, including power-of-10 table                               ;;
;;      80 words, if compiled with PRNUM32.                                 ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;      To save code size, you can define the following symbols to omit     ;;
;;      some variants:                                                      ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;          _NO_PRNUM16.l:   Disables PRNUM16.l.  Saves 10 words            ;;
;;          _NO_PRNUM16.b:   Disables PRNUM16.b.  Saves 3 words.            ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;      Defining both symbols saves 17 words total, because it omits        ;;
;;      some code shared by both routines.                                  ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  STACK USAGE                                                             ;;
;;      This function uses up to 4 words of stack space.                    ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;

    IF (DEFINED PRNUM16) = 0

        ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;;
        ;;  PRNUM16.l:  Print unsigned, left-justified.                     ;;
        ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;;
    IF (DEFINED _NO_PRNUM16.l) = 0
@@l:    PSHR    R5              ; save return address
@@l1:   MVII    #$1,    R5      ; set R5 to 1 to counteract screen ptr update
                                ; in the 'find initial power of 10' loop
        PSHR    R2
        MVII    #5,     R2      ; force effective field width to 5.
        B       @@z2

        ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;;
        ;;  PRNUM16.b:  Print unsigned with leading blanks.                 ;;
        ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;;
    IF (DEFINED _NO_PRNUM16.b) = 0
@@b:    PSHR    R5
@@b1:   CLRR    R5              ; let the blank loop do its thing
        INCR    PC              ; skip the PSHR R5

        ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;;
        ;;  PRNUM16.z:  Print unsigned with leading zeros.                  ;;
        ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;;
@@z:    PSHR    R5
@@z1:   PSHR    R2
@@z2:   PSHR    R1

        ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;;
        ;;  Find the initial power of 10 to use for display.                ;;
        ;;  Note:  For fields wider than 5, fill the extra spots above 5    ;;
        ;;  with blanks or zeros as needed.                                 ;;
        ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;;
        MVII    #_PW10+5,R1     ; Point to end of power-of-10 table
        SUBR    R2,     R1      ; Subtract the field width to get right power
        PSHR    R3              ; save format word

        CMPI    #2,     R5      ; are we leading with zeros?
        BNC     @@lblnk         ; no:  then do the loop w/ blanks

      IF (DEFINED _NO_PRNUM16.l) = 0
        CLRR    R5              ; force R5==0
        ADDI    #$80,   R3      ; yes: do the loop with zeros
        B       @@lblnk

@@llp   MVO@    R3,     R4      ; print a blank/zero

    IF (DEFINED _NO_PRNUM16.l) = 0
        SUBR    R5,     R4      ; rewind pointer if needed.

        INCR    R1              ; get next power of 10
@@lblnk DECR    R2              ; decrement available digits
        BEQ     @@ldone
        CMPI    #5,     R2      ; field too wide?
        BGE     @@llp           ; just force blanks/zeros 'till we're narrower.
        CMP@    R1,     R0      ; Is this power of 10 too big?
        BNC     @@llp           ; Yes:  Put a blank and go to next

@@ldone PULR    R3              ; restore format word

        ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;;
        ;;  The digit loop prints at least one digit.  It discovers digits  ;;
        ;;  by repeated subtraction.                                        ;;
        ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;;
@@digit TSTR    R0              ; If the number is zero, print zero and leave
        BNEQ    @@dig1          ; no: print the number

        MOVR    R3,     R5      ;\    
        ADDI    #$80,   R5      ; |-- print a 0 there.
        MVO@    R5,     R4      ;/    
        B       @@done

@@dig1: MOVR    R3,     R5      ; for first digit only: check to see if 
        BPL     @@cont          ; we need to add '5'.  
        ADDI    #$80+4*8,R5     ; start our digit as one just before '5'
        B       @@spcl
@@nxdig MOVR    R3,     R5      ; save display format word
@@cont: ADDI    #$80-8, R5      ; start our digit as one just before '0'
        ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;;
        ;;  Divide by repeated subtraction.  This divide is constructed     ;;
        ;;  to go "one step too far" and then back up.                      ;;
        ;; ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;;
@@div:  ADDI    #8,     R5      ; increment our digit
        SUB@    R1,     R0      ; subtract power of 10
        BC      @@div           ; loop until we go too far
        ADD@    R1,     R0      ; add back the extra power of 10.

        MVO@    R5,     R4      ; display the digit.

        INCR    R1              ; point to next power of 10
        DECR    R2              ; any room left in field?
        BPL     @@nxdig         ; keep going until R2 < 0.

@@done: PULR    R1              ; restore R1
        PULR    R2              ; restore R2
        PULR    PC              ; return

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  End of File:  prnum16.asm                                               ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;