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These utility macros provide shorthand ways of writing higher-level functions, such as setting an ISR vector, writing out double-byte-data or constructing a branch table. The source is heavily commented, serving as its documentation.

Source Code

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  UTIL.MAC                                            Default Macro Set   ;;
;;  General utility macros.                                                 ;;
;;  Joseph Zbiciak <im14u2c AT gmail.com>                                   ;;
;;  These macros are hereby released into the Public Domain.                ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  Macros defined in this file:                                            ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;      SETISR  a, r       Sets ISR vector to point to 'a'. 'r' is a temp.  ;;
;;      MVOD    r, a       Writes 'r' as double-byte-data to 'a'.           ;;
;;      MVOD@   r, p       Writes 'r' as double-byte-date via 'p'.          ;;
;;      COPY    s, t, d    Copies address 's' to address 'd' via 't'.       ;;
;;      COPY@   s, t, d    Copies from ptr 's' to ptr 'd' via 't'.          ;;
;;      CALLD   label      Calls 'label' and disables interrupts.           ;;
;;      LOOP    r, l       Decrements 'r' and loops to 'l' if non-zero.     ;;
;;      LOOPPL  r, l       Decrements 'r' and loops to 'l' if non-negative. ;;
;;      SWITCH  r, tbl     Implements switch-case via branch lookup table.  ;;
;;      SWITCHB r          Implements switch-case via series of branches.   ;;
;;      SPINEQ  a, r       Loop while value at address is equal to 'r'      ;;
;;      SPINEQ@ p, r       Loop while value at address is equal to 'r'      ;;
;;      SPINNE  a, r       Loop while value at address is not equal to 'r'  ;;
;;      SPINNE@ p, r       Loop while value at address is not equal to 'r'  ;;
;;      SLRC    r, n       Shift Logically Right into Carry/Overflow        ;;
;;      DSLLC   h, l, n    32-bit Shift Logically Left into Carry/Overflow  ;;
;;      DSLRC   h, l, n    32-bit Shift Logically Right into Carry/Overflow ;;
;;      DSARC   h, l, n    32-bit Shift Arithmetically Right into Carry/Ov. ;;
;;      SLLn    r, n       Shift Logically Left                             ;;
;;      SLLCn   r, n       Shift Logically Left into Carry/Overflow         ;;
;;      SLRn    r, n       Shift Logically Right                            ;;
;;      SARn    r, n       Shift Arithmetically Right                       ;;
;;      SLRCn   r, n       Shift Logically Right into Carry/Overflow        ;;
;;      SARCn   r, n       Shift Arithmetically Right into Carry/Overflow   ;;
;;      DSLLCn  h, l, n    32-bit Shift Logically Left into Carry/Overflow  ;;
;;      DSLRCn  h, l, n    32-bit Shift Logically Right into Carry/Overflow ;;
;;      DSARCn  h, l, n    32-bit Shift Arithmetically Right into Carry/Ov. ;;
;;      DADDR h0,l0,h1,l1  Add 32-bit value in h0:l0 to value in h1:l1      ;;
;;      DSUBR h0,l0,h1,l1  Subtract 32-bit value in h0:l0 from h1:l1        ;;
;;      XCHG    a, b       Exchange contents of reg 'a' with reg 'b'        ;;
;;      ORR     a, b       Bitwise OR register 'a' into register 'b'        ;;
;;      ORI     a, b       Bitwise OR constant 'a' into register 'b'        ;;
;;      OR@     a, b       Bitwise OR value at ptr 'a' into register 'b'    ;;
;;      ORD     a, b       Bitwise OR value at addr 'a' into register 'b'   ;;
;;      XTND8   r          Sign-extend 'r' from 8 to 16 bits.               ;;
;;      UNPKL   r, l       Unpack 8-bit values to lower byte of two regs.   ;;
;;      UNPKH   r, l       Unpack 8-bit values to upper byte of two regs.   ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;



;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  SETISR a, r                                                             ;;
;;  Sets ISR vector to point to address 'a'.  Trashes 'r'.                  ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      a   Address of ISR                                                  ;;
;;      r   Register to use as a temporary (R0 thru R3)                     ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
        MVII    #%a%, %r%
        MVOD    %r%, $100

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  MVOD r, a                                                               ;;
;;  Write a 16-bit value as Double-Byte-Data.  Leaves its first operand     ;;
;;  byte-swapped.                                                           ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      r   Register to write.  Must be one of R0, R1, R2, R3               ;;
;;      a   Address to write to.  Macro will write to Addr and Addr + 1.    ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO   MVOD    r,  a
        MVO     %r%,    %a%
        SWAP    %r%
        MVO     %r%,    %a% + 1

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  MVOD@ r, p                                                              ;;
;;  Write a 16-bit value as Double-Byte-Data.  Leaves its first operand     ;;
;;  byte-swapped.  If 'p' is R4, R5, or R6, it is left pointing after the   ;;
;;  written data.  If 'p' is R1, R2, or R3, it is left pointing at the      ;;
;;  same location.                                                          ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      r   Register to write.  Must be one of R0, R1, R2, R3               ;;
;;      p   Register containing address to write to.  Must be one of R1     ;;
;;          through R6.                                                     ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO   MVOD@   r,  p
        MVO@    %r%,    %p%
        SWAP    %r%
        MVO@    %r%,    %p%

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  COPY  s, t, d                                                           ;;
;;  Copies a value from the source address 's' to the destination address   ;;
;;  'd', holding the copy in temporary register 't'.                        ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      s   Source address (R1 thru R6)                                     ;;
;;      t   Temporary register (R0 thru R6)                                 ;;
;;      d   Destination address (R1 thru R6)                                ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO   COPY    s, t, d
        MVI     %s%, %t%
        MVO     %t%, %d%

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  COPY@ s, t, d                                                           ;;
;;  Copies a value from the source pointer 's' to the destination pointer   ;;
;;  'd', holding the copy in temporary register 't'.                        ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      s   Source pointer (R1 thru R6)                                     ;;
;;      t   Temporary register (R0 thru R6)                                 ;;
;;      d   Destination pointer (R1 thru R6)                                ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO   COPY@   s, t, d
        MVI@    %s%, %t%
        MVO@    %t%, %d%

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  CALLD   label                                                           ;;
;;  Call and disable interrupts.  Return address goes to R5.                ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO   CALLD   label
        JSRD    R5, %label%

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  LOOP r, l                                                               ;;
;;  Implements a simple looping construct.  Decrements 'r', and branches    ;;
;;  to the label 'l' if it's non-zero.                                      ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      r   Register to decrement.                                          ;;
;;      l   Label to jump to if register is non-zero.                       ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  EXAMPLE                                                                 ;;
;;      MVII    #10,    R0                                                  ;;
;;  @@l MVO@    R1,     R4      ;\__ This iterates 10 times.                ;;
;;      LOOP    R0,     @@l     ;/                                          ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO   LOOP    r, l
        DECR    %r%
        BNEQ    %l%

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  LOOPPL r, l                                                             ;;
;;  Implements a simple looping construct.  Decrements 'r', and branches    ;;
;;  to the label 'l' if it's non-negative.                                  ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      r   Register to decrement.                                          ;;
;;      l   Label to jump to if register is non-zero.                       ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  EXAMPLE                                                                 ;;
;;      MVII    #10,    R0                                                  ;;
;;  @@l MVO@    R1,     R4      ;\__ This iterates 11 times.                ;;
;;      LOOPPL  R0,     @@l     ;/                                          ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
        DECR    %r%
        BPL     %l%

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  SWITCH r, tbl                                                           ;;
;;  Implements a simple "jump table".  The argument 'tbl' points to an      ;;
;;  array of labels representing the 'cases' of the SWITCH.  The register   ;;
;;  provided by the user will be left pointing into the jump table.  If     ;;
;;  the register is auto-incrementing, it will point *after* the entry      ;;
;;  used, otherwise it will point at the entry used.                        ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  The switch table can appear immediately after SWITCH, or it can         ;;
;;  appear elsewhere in the program.  This SWITCH macro only works with     ;;
;;  16-bit ROM widths.                                                      ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      r   Value to "switch" on.  Must be a register R1 thru R5.  Value    ;;
;;          in the register must be in range 0...n.                         ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  EXAMPLE                                                                 ;;
;;      SWITCH  R0, @@swtbl                                                 ;;
;;  @@swtbl:                                                                ;;
;;      DECLE   @@case_0, @@case_1, @@case_2, @@case_3                      ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  @@case_0:                                                               ;;
;;      ;....                                                               ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  @@case_1:                                                               ;;
;;      ;....                                                               ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  @@case_2:                                                               ;;
;;      ;....                                                               ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  @@case_3:                                                               ;;
;;      ;....                                                               ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO   SWITCH  r,  tbl
        ADDI    #%tbl%, %r%
        MVI@    %r%, PC

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  SWITCHB r                                                               ;;
;;  Implements a simple "jump table".  User must follow "SWITCH" with a     ;;
;;  series of "B @@label" for each of the cases.  The register supplied to  ;;
;;  the switch will be left doubled.                                        ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  This form of switch statement requires the branch instructions to       ;;
;;  immediately follow the SWITCHB.  This version may be more useful if     ;;
;;  retaining the value of 'r' is required.                                 ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      r   Value to "switch" on.  Must be in range 0...n.  Value will be   ;;
;;          doubled after this macro.                                       ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  EXAMPLE                                                                 ;;
;;      SWITCHB R0                                                          ;;
;;      B       @@case_0                                                    ;;
;;      B       @@case_1                                                    ;;
;;      B       @@case_2                                                    ;;
;;      B       @@case_3                                                    ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
        ADDR    %r%, %r%
        ADDR    %r%, PC

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  SPINEQ a, r                                                             ;;
;;  Loop while value at 'a' equals value held in 'r'.  Can be useful for    ;;
;;  synchronizing with ISRs.                                                ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      a   Address to spin on.                                             ;;
;;      r   Value to look for.                                              ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  EXAMPLE                                                                 ;;
;;      CLRR    R0                                                          ;;
;;      MVO     R0,     FLAG    ; Clear flag                                ;;
;;      SPINEQ  FLAG,   R0      ; Wait until ISR sets flag.                 ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
        CMP     %a%, %r%  ; 2 words
        BEQ     $ - 2     ; $ avoids label.  ;-)

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  SPINEQ@ p, r                                                            ;;
;;  Loop while value pointed to by 'a' equals value held in 'r'.  Can be    ;;
;;  useful for synchronizing with ISRs.                                     ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  NOTE:  'p' should be a non-incrementing pointer!  If an incrementing    ;;
;;  pointer is used, then this becomes a sort of "string search" instead.   ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      p   Address to spin on.                                             ;;
;;      r   Value to look for.                                              ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  EXAMPLE                                                                 ;;
;;      CLRR    R0                                                          ;;
;;      MVO@    R0,     R3      ; Clear flag                                ;;
;;      SPINEQ@ R3,     R0      ; Wait until ISR sets flag.                 ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
        CMP@    %a%, %r%  ; 1 words
        BEQ     $ - 1     ; $ avoids label.  ;-)

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  SPINNE a, r                                                             ;;
;;  Loop while value at 'a' does not equal value held in 'r'.               ;;
;;  Can be useful for synchronizing with ISRs.                              ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      a   Address to spin on.                                             ;;
;;      r   Value to look for.                                              ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  EXAMPLE                                                                 ;;
;;      MVII    #3,     R0                                                  ;;
;;      MVO@    R0,     CNT     ; Wait 3 frames                             ;;
;;      CLRR    R0                                                          ;;
;;      SPINNE  CNT,    R0      ; Wait until ISR's counter expires          ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
        CMP     %a%, %r%  ; 2 words
        BNEQ    $ - 2     ; $ avoids label.  ;-)

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  SPINEQ@ p, r                                                            ;;
;;  Loop while value pointed to by 'a' does not equal value held in 'r'.    ;;
;;  Can be useful for synchronizing with ISRs.                              ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  NOTE:  'p' should be a non-incrementing pointer!  If an incrementing    ;;
;;  pointer is used, then this becomes a sort of "string search" instead.   ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      p   Address to spin on.                                             ;;
;;      r   Value to look for.                                              ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  EXAMPLE                                                                 ;;
;;      MVII    #3,     R0                                                  ;;
;;      MVO@    R0,     R3      ; Wait 3 frames                             ;;
;;      CLRR    R0                                                          ;;
;;      SPINNE@ R3,     R0      ; Wait until ISR's counter expires          ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
        CMP@    %a%, %r%  ; 1 words
        BNEQ    $ - 1     ; $ avoids label.  ;-)

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  SHIFT MACROS                                                            ;;
;;  The following set of macros implement "extended shifts", extending the  ;;
;;  shift amount of the existing CP-1600 shift instructions.                ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  WARNING:  These shift sequences are non-interruptible, so be careful.   ;;
;;  Shift amounts larger than 8, and double-precision shift amounts larger  ;;
;;  than 4 can potentially affect video display in a negative way.          ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  The following shift macros are provided:                                ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;      SLRC   h, l, n  ; Shift logically right into Carry/Overflow         ;;
;;      DSLLC  h, l, n  ; 32-bit Shift Logically Left into Carry/Overflow   ;;
;;      DSLRC  h, l, n  ; 32-bit Shift Logically Right into Carry/Overflow  ;;
;;      DSARC  h, l, n  ; 32-bit Shift Arithmetically Right into Carry/Ov.  ;;
;;      SLLn   r, n     ; Shift Logically Left                              ;;
;;      SLLCn  r, n     ; Shift Logically Left into Carry/Overflow          ;;
;;      SLRn   r, n     ; Shift Logically Right                             ;;
;;      SARn   r, n     ; Shift Arithmetically Right                        ;;
;;      SLRCn  r, n     ; Shift Logically Right into Carry/Overflow         ;;
;;      SARCn  r, n     ; Shift Arithmetically Right into Carry/Overflow    ;;
;;      DSLLCn h, l, n  ; 32-bit Shift Logically Left into Carry/Overflow   ;;
;;      DSLRCn h, l, n  ; 32-bit Shift Logically Right into Carry/Overflow  ;;
;;      DSARCn h, l, n  ; 32-bit Shift Arithmetically Right into Carry/Ov.  ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  The Dxxxx macros implement a double-precision (32-bit) shift across     ;;
;;  two registers.  The variants lacking the 'n' suffix only support        ;;
;;  shift amounts of 1 or 2.                                                ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  For each of the above, the final shift in the expanded series is        ;;
;;  always a shift-by-2, except of course in the case where the user        ;;
;;  specifies a shift of exactly 1.                                         ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  SLRC r, n                                                               ;;
;;  Shift logical right into carry/overflow.                                ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      r   Register to shift right.                                        ;;
;;      n   Shift amount.  Must be a constant expression that evaluates to  ;;
;;          1 or 2.                                                         ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO   SLRC r, n  
        LISTING "code"
    IF ((%n%) < 1) OR ((%n%) > 2)
        ERR  "SLRC shift amount out of range!"
    IF (%n%) = 1
        RRC  %r%, 1
    IF (%n%) = 2
        SARC %r%, %n%
        ANDI #$3FFF, %r%
        LISTING "prev"

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  DSLLC, DSARC, DSLRC                                                     ;;
;;  Double-precision shift macros.  These macros combine a shift with a     ;;
;;  rotate in order to shift a 32-bit value across two registers.           ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      h   Upper register of register pair to shift (R0 through R3)        ;;
;;      l   Lower register of register pair to shift (R0 through R3)        ;;
;;      n   Shift amount.  Must be a constant expression that evaluates to  ;;
;;          1 or 2.                                                         ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO   DSLLC h, l, n  ;; double-precision shift logical left into carry/over
        SLLC %l%, %n%  
        RLC  %h%, %n%
MACRO   DSARC h, l, n  ;; double-precision shift arith right into carry/over
        SARC %h%, %n%
        RRC  %l%, %n%
MACRO   DSLRC h, l, n  ;; double-precision shift logical right into carry/over
    LISTING "code"
    IF ((%n%) < 1) OR ((%n%) > 2)
        ERR  "DSLRC shift amount out of range!"
    IF (%n%) = 1
        RRC  %h%, 1
        RRC  %l%, 1
    IF (%n%) = 2
        SARC %h%, %n%
        RRC  %l%, %n%
        ANDI #$3FFF, %h%
    LISTING "prev"

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  __shft_n s, r, n                                                        ;;
;;  Generic "shift expansion" macro set.  Expands shift amounts out to a    ;;
;;  series of shifts by 1 or 2.  The macro uses a repeat block to generate  ;;
;;  the series of shifts.                                                   ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO   __shft_n s, r, n
    LISTING "code"
    IF ((%n%) < 1)
      ERR "Shift amount out of range.  Must be >= 1."
      IF ((%n%) AND 1) 
        %s% %r%, 1
      RPT ((%n%) SHR 1)
        %s% %r%, 2
    LISTING "prev"

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  SLLn, SLLCn, SARn, SARCn, SLRn, SLRCn                                   ;;
;;  Shift macros that expand the allowed constant range on the CP-1600's    ;;
;;  shift instructions.  These rely on the generic macro above to expand    ;;
;;  each macro out as a series of shifts.                                   ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      r   Register to shift (R0 thru R3)                                  ;;
;;      n   Shift amount.  Must be a constant expression >= 1               ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO   SLLn r, n
        __shft_n SLL, %r%, %n%

MACRO   SLLCn r, n
        __shft_n SLLC, %r%, %n%

MACRO   SARn r, n
        __shft_n SAR, %r%, %n%

MACRO   SARCn r, n
        __shft_n SARC, %r%, %n%

MACRO   SLRn r, n
        __shft_n SLR, %r%, %n%

MACRO   SLRCn r, n
        LISTING "code"
 IF ((%n%) < 3)
        SLRC %r%, %n%
        __shft_n SLR, %r%, ((%n%) - 2)
        SARC %r%, 2
        LISTING "prev"

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  DSLLCn, DSARCn, DSLRCn                                                  ;;
;;  Shift macros that expand the allowed constant range on the double-      ;;
;;  precision shift macros.  These rely on the generic macro above to       ;;
;;  expand each macro out as a series of shifts, and on the Dxxxx shift     ;;
;;  macros to provide the double-precision shifts.                          ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  Notice how the 'h' and 'l' operands are grouped together as a single    ;;
;;  operand when invoking __shft_n using the [] grouping operators.         ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      h   Upper register of register pair to shift (R0 through R3)        ;;
;;      l   Lower register of register pair to shift (R0 through R3)        ;;
;;      n   Shift amount.  Must be a constant expression >= 1               ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO   DSLLCn h, l, n
        __shft_n DSLLC, [%h%,%l%], %n%

MACRO   DSARCn h, l, n
        __shft_n DSARC, [%h%,%l%], %n%

MACRO   DSLRCn h, l, n
        __shft_n DSARC, [%h%,%l%], %n%
        ANDI #($FFFF SHR %n%), %h%

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  DADDR h0,l0, h1,l1                                                      ;;
;;  Adds register pair h0:l0 to register pair h1:l1 (32-bit ADDR).          ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO   DADDR h0,l0,h1,l1
        ADDR  %l0%, %l1%  ; add lower halves
        ADCR  %h1%        ; propogate carry into upper half
        ADDR  %h0%, %h1%  ; add upper halves

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  DSUBR h0,l0, h1,l1                                                      ;;
;;  Subtracts register pair h0:l0 from register pair h1:l1 (32-bit SUBR).   ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO   DSUBR h0,l0,h1,l1
        SUBR  %l0%, %l1%  ; subtract lower halves
        ADCR  %h1%        ; propogate borrow to upper half
        DECR  %h1%        ; turn borrow into not-borrow
        SUBR  %h0%, %h1%  ; subtract upper halves

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  XCHG a, b                                                               ;;
;;  Exchanges two values in registers using three-XOR-swap.                 ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      a   Register 1 to swap                                              ;;
;;      b   Register 2 to swap                                              ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
        XORR %a%, %b%
        XORR %b%, %a%
        XORR %a%, %b%

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  ORR a, b  -- Register-mode OR                                           ;;
;;  Bitwise-ORs register 'a' into register 'b'                              ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      a   Register with value to "OR"                                     ;;
;;      b   Register holding result                                         ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO   ORR a, b
        COMR %a%
        ANDR %a%, %b%
        COMR %a%
        XORR %a%, %b%
;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  ORI a, b  -- Immediate mode OR                                          ;;
;;  Bitwise-ORs constant 'a' into register 'b'                              ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      a   Value to "OR"                                                   ;;
;;      b   Register holding result                                         ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO   ORI a, b
        ANDI #($FFFF AND (NOT (%a%))), %b%
        XORI #($FFFF AND      (%a%) ), %b%
;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  OR@ a, b   -- Indirect mode OR                                          ;;
;;  Bitwise-ORs value pointed to by 'a' into register 'b'.  This macro      ;;
;;  requires one word of stack space.                                       ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      a   Address holding value to OR.                                    ;;
;;      b   Register holding result.  (R0 thru R5)                          ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO   OR@ a, b
        PSHR %b%
        COMR %b%
        AND@ %a%, %b%
        XOR@ SP,  %b%
;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  ORD a, b   -- Direct mode OR                                            ;;
;;  Bitwise-ORs value at address 'a' into register 'b'.  This macro         ;;
;;  requires one word of stack space.                                       ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  This macro is named "ORD" so as to not conflict with the assembler      ;;
;;  keyword "OR".                                                           ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      a   Address holding value to OR.                                    ;;
;;      b   Register holding result.  (R0 thru R5)                          ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO   ORD  a, b
        PSHR %b%
        COMR %b%
        AND  %a%, %b%
        XOR@ SP,  %b%

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  XTND8 r                                                                 ;;
;;  Sign-extend 8-bit value to 16 bits.  Assumes value has 0s in upper      ;;
;;  half already.                                                           ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      r   Register to extend from 8 to 16 bits                            ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
        XORI    #$80, %r%
        SUBI    #$80, %r%

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  UNPKL r, l                                                              ;;
;;  Unpack 16-bit value in 'r' to two 8-bit values in 'r' and 'l'.          ;;
;;  The unpacked values are left in the lower 8 bits of 'r' and 'l'.        ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      r   Register to unpack.  When done, this will hold upper 8 bits.    ;;
;;          Note: 'r' must be R0 through R3.                                ;;
;;      l   Register to place lower 8 bits in.                              ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
        MOVR    %r%, %l%
        ANDI    #$FF, %l%
        XORR    %l%, %r%
        SWAP    %r%

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  UNPKH r, l                                                              ;;
;;  Unpack 16-bit value in 'r' to two 8-bit values in 'r' and 'l'.          ;;
;;  The unpacked values are left in the upper 8 bits of 'r' and 'l'.        ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      r   Register to unpack.  When done, this will hold upper 8 bits.    ;;
;;          Note: 'r' must be R0 through R3.                                ;;
;;      l   Register to place lower 8 bits in.                              ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
        MOVR    %r%, %l%
        ANDI    #$FF, %l%
        XORR    %l%, %r%
        SWAP    %l%


;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  End of File:  util.mac                                                  ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;