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Latest revision as of 09:34, 4 December 2010

These utility macros provide shorthand ways of generating bit patterns for characters to store in BACKTAB, as well as generating offsets or pointers into BACKTAB. The source is heavily commented, serving as its documentation.

Source Code

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  STIC.MAC                                            Default Macro Set   ;;
;;  Joseph Zbiciak <intvnut AT gmail.com>                                   ;;
;;  These macros are hereby released into the Public Domain.                ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;



;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  Note:  For each of the macros below that accepts a color name, the      ;;
;;  following aliases are supported:                                        ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;          Black       BLK                 Grey (or Gray)  GRY             ;;
;;          Blue        BLU                 Cyan            CYN             ;;
;;          Red         RED                 Orange          ORG             ;;
;;          Tan         TAN                 Brown           BRN             ;;
;;          DarkGreen   DGR                 Pink            PNK             ;;
;;          Green       GRN                 LightBlue       LBL             ;;
;;          Yellow      YEL                 YellowGreen     YGR             ;;
;;          White       WHT                 Purple          PUR             ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  gen_cstk_card(c, g, fg, a)                                              ;;
;;  Generate constant for a Color-Stack mode card.                          ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      c   Card #, from 0 to 255 for GROM, 0 to 63 for GRAM.  When using   ;;
;;          gen_cs_card() to generate a "format word", simply use Card #0.  ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;      g   Specify GROM to indicate card comes from GROM, or GRAM to       ;;
;;          indicate card comes from GRAM.                                  ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;      fg  Foreground color, from the following set of names:              ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;              Black       DarkGreen       Grey (or Gray)  Pink            ;;
;;              Blue        Green           Cyan            LightBlue       ;;
;;              Red         Yellow          Orange          YellowGreen     ;;
;;              Tan         White           Brown           Purple          ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;          NOTE: Foreground colors Grey through Purple are only available  ;;
;;          on GRAM cards.  Attempts to use these colors on GROM cards      ;;
;;          will result in (intentional) assembly errors.  This is a        ;;
;;          limitation of the STIC itself.                                  ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;      a   Specifiy "Adv" or "Advance" to advance color stack.  Specify    ;;
;;          "NoAdv" or "NoAdvance" to not advance color stack.              ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO gen_cstk_card(c, g, fg, a)
        ((%c%)*8 + __CSTK.%g%_%fg% + __CSTK.%a%)

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  gen_csqr_card(p0, p1, p2, p3)                                           ;;
;;  Generate constant for a Colored-Squares mode card                       ;;
;;  Pixels are laid out like so:                                            ;;
;;                              +-----+-----+                               ;;
;;                              |Pixel|Pixel|                               ;;
;;                              |  0  |  1  |                               ;;
;;                              +-----+-----+                               ;;
;;                              |Pixel|Pixel|                               ;;
;;                              |  2  |  3  |                               ;;
;;                              +-----+-----+                               ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      p0  Color for Pixel 0 from set below.                               ;;
;;      p1  Color for Pixel 1 from set below.                               ;;
;;      p2  Color for Pixel 2 from set below.                               ;;
;;      p3  Color for Pixel 3 from set below.                               ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;              Black       Red         DarkGreen       Yellow              ;;
;;              Blue        Tan         Green           Stack               ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;          Note:  "Stack" refers to the color on the top of the color      ;;
;;          stack.  It is not possible to advance the color stack from      ;;
;;          colored-squares mode.  Use a color-stack card to do that.       ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO gen_csqr_card(p0,p1,p2,p3)

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  gen_fgbg_card(c, g, fg, bg)                                             ;;
;;  Generate constant for a Foreground/Background mode                      ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      c   Card #, from 0 to 255 for GROM, 0 to 63 for GRAM.  When using   ;;
;;          gen_cs_card() to generate a "format word", simply use Card #0.  ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;      g   Specify GROM to indicate card comes from GROM, or GRAM to       ;;
;;          indicate card comes from GRAM.                                  ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;      fg  Foreground color, from the following set of names:              ;;
;;              Black       DarkGreen                                       ;;
;;              Blue        Green                                           ;;
;;              Red         Yellow                                          ;;
;;              Tan         White                                           ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;      bg  Background color, from the following set of names:              ;;
;;              Black       DarkGreen       Grey (or Gray)  Pink            ;;
;;              Blue        Green           Cyan            LightBlue       ;;
;;              Red         Yellow          Orange          YellowGreen     ;;
;;              Tan         White           Brown           Purple          ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO gen_fgbg_card(c, g, fg, bg)
        ((%c%)*8 + __FGBG.%g% + __FGBG.f_%fg% + __FGBG.b_%bg%)

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  __CSTK:  Constants used by the color-stack macros.                      ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
__CSTK          PROC
@@GROM_Black    EQU     00000000000000b     ; foreground ==  0  
@@GROM_Blue     EQU     00000000000001b     ; foreground ==  1
@@GROM_Red      EQU     00000000000010b     ; foreground ==  2
@@GROM_Tan      EQU     00000000000011b     ; foreground ==  3
@@GROM_DarkGreen    EQU 00000000000100b     ; foreground ==  4
@@GROM_Green    EQU     00000000000101b     ; foreground ==  5
@@GROM_Yellow   EQU     00000000000110b     ; foreground ==  6
@@GROM_White    EQU     00000000000111b     ; foreground ==  7

@@GRAM_Black    EQU     00100000000000b     ; foreground ==  0  
@@GRAM_Blue     EQU     00100000000001b     ; foreground ==  1
@@GRAM_Red      EQU     00100000000010b     ; foreground ==  2
@@GRAM_Tan      EQU     00100000000011b     ; foreground ==  3
@@GRAM_DarkGreen    EQU 00100000000100b     ; foreground ==  4
@@GRAM_Green    EQU     00100000000101b     ; foreground ==  5
@@GRAM_Yellow   EQU     00100000000110b     ; foreground ==  6
@@GRAM_White    EQU     00100000000111b     ; foreground ==  7
@@GRAM_Grey     EQU     01100000000000b     ; foreground ==  8
@@GRAM_Gray     EQU     01100000000000b     ; foreground ==  8
@@GRAM_Cyan     EQU     01100000000001b     ; foreground ==  9
@@GRAM_Orange   EQU     01100000000010b     ; foreground == 10
@@GRAM_Brown    EQU     01100000000011b     ; foreground == 11
@@GRAM_Pink     EQU     01100000000100b     ; foreground == 12
@@GRAM_LightBlue    EQU 01100000000101b     ; foreground == 13
@@GRAM_YellowGreen  EQU 01100000000110b     ; foreground == 14
@@GRAM_Purple   EQU     01100000000111b     ; foreground == 15

@@GROM_BLK      EQU     00000000000000b     ; foreground ==  0  
@@GROM_BLU      EQU     00000000000001b     ; foreground ==  1
@@GROM_RED      EQU     00000000000010b     ; foreground ==  2
@@GROM_TAN      EQU     00000000000011b     ; foreground ==  3
@@GROM_DGR      EQU     00000000000100b     ; foreground ==  4
@@GROM_GRN      EQU     00000000000101b     ; foreground ==  5
@@GROM_YEL      EQU     00000000000110b     ; foreground ==  6
@@GROM_WHT      EQU     00000000000111b     ; foreground ==  7

@@GRAM_BLK      EQU     00100000000000b     ; foreground ==  0  
@@GRAM_BLU      EQU     00100000000001b     ; foreground ==  1
@@GRAM_RED      EQU     00100000000010b     ; foreground ==  2
@@GRAM_TAN      EQU     00100000000011b     ; foreground ==  3
@@GRAM_DGR      EQU     00100000000100b     ; foreground ==  4
@@GRAM_GRN      EQU     00100000000101b     ; foreground ==  5
@@GRAM_YEL      EQU     00100000000110b     ; foreground ==  6
@@GRAM_WHT      EQU     00100000000111b     ; foreground ==  7
@@GRAM_GRY      EQU     01100000000000b     ; foreground ==  8
@@GRAM_CYN      EQU     01100000000001b     ; foreground ==  9
@@GRAM_ORG      EQU     01100000000010b     ; foreground == 10
@@GRAM_BRN      EQU     01100000000011b     ; foreground == 11
@@GRAM_PNK      EQU     01100000000100b     ; foreground == 12
@@GRAM_LBL      EQU     01100000000101b     ; foreground == 13
@@GRAM_YGR      EQU     01100000000110b     ; foreground == 14
@@GRAM_PUR      EQU     01100000000111b     ; foreground == 15

@@Adv           EQU     10000000000000b     ; Advances color stack.
@@Advance       EQU     10000000000000b     ; Advances color stack.
@@NoAdv         EQU     00000000000000b     ; Does not advance color stack
@@NoAdvance     EQU     00000000000000b     ; Does not advance color stack

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  __CSQR:  Constants used by the colored-squares macros.                  ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
__CSQR          PROC
@@p0_Black      EQU     00000000000000b 
@@p0_Blue       EQU     00000000000001b 
@@p0_Red        EQU     00000000000010b 
@@p0_Tan        EQU     00000000000011b 
@@p0_DarkGreen  EQU     00000000000100b 
@@p0_Green      EQU     00000000000101b 
@@p0_Yellow     EQU     00000000000110b 
@@p0_Stack      EQU     00000000000111b 

@@p1_Black      EQU     00000000000000b 
@@p1_Blue       EQU     00000000001000b 
@@p1_Red        EQU     00000000010000b 
@@p1_Tan        EQU     00000000011000b 
@@p1_DarkGreen  EQU     00000000100000b 
@@p1_Green      EQU     00000000101000b 
@@p1_Yellow     EQU     00000000110000b 
@@p1_Stack      EQU     00000000111000b 

@@p2_Black      EQU     00000000000000b 
@@p2_Blue       EQU     00000001000000b 
@@p2_Red        EQU     00000010000000b 
@@p2_Tan        EQU     00000011000000b 
@@p2_DarkGreen  EQU     00000100000000b 
@@p2_Green      EQU     00000101000000b 
@@p2_Yellow     EQU     00000110000000b 
@@p2_Stack      EQU     00000111000000b 

@@p3_Black      EQU     00000000000000b 
@@p3_Blue       EQU     00001000000000b 
@@p3_Red        EQU     00010000000000b 
@@p3_Tan        EQU     00011000000000b 
@@p3_DarkGreen  EQU     10000000000000b 
@@p3_Green      EQU     10001000000000b 
@@p3_Yellow     EQU     10010000000000b 
@@p3_Stack      EQU     10011000000000b 

@@p0_BLK        EQU     00000000000000b 
@@p0_BLU        EQU     00000000000001b 
@@p0_RED        EQU     00000000000010b 
@@p0_TAN        EQU     00000000000011b 
@@p0_DGR        EQU     00000000000100b 
@@p0_GRN        EQU     00000000000101b 
@@p0_YEL        EQU     00000000000110b 
@@p0_STK        EQU     00000000000111b 

@@p1_BLK        EQU     00000000000000b 
@@p1_BLU        EQU     00000000001000b 
@@p1_RED        EQU     00000000010000b 
@@p1_TAN        EQU     00000000011000b 
@@p1_DGR        EQU     00000000100000b 
@@p1_GRN        EQU     00000000101000b 
@@p1_YEL        EQU     00000000110000b 
@@p1_STK        EQU     00000000111000b 

@@p2_BLK        EQU     00000000000000b 
@@p2_BLU        EQU     00000001000000b 
@@p2_RED        EQU     00000010000000b 
@@p2_TAN        EQU     00000011000000b 
@@p2_DGR        EQU     00000100000000b 
@@p2_GRN        EQU     00000101000000b 
@@p2_YEL        EQU     00000110000000b 
@@p2_STK        EQU     00000111000000b 

@@p3_BLK        EQU     00000000000000b 
@@p3_BLU        EQU     00001000000000b 
@@p3_RED        EQU     00010000000000b 
@@p3_TAN        EQU     00011000000000b 
@@p3_DGR        EQU     10000000000000b 
@@p3_GRN        EQU     10001000000000b 
@@p3_YEL        EQU     10010000000000b 
@@p3_STK        EQU     10011000000000b 

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  __FGBG:  Constants used by the Foreground/Background mode macros.       ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
__FGBG          PROC
@@f_Black       EQU     00000000000000b     ; foreground ==  0
@@f_Blue        EQU     00000000000001b     ; foreground ==  1
@@f_Red         EQU     00000000000010b     ; foreground ==  2
@@f_Tan         EQU     00000000000011b     ; foreground ==  3
@@f_DarkGreen   EQU     00000000000100b     ; foreground ==  4
@@f_Green       EQU     00000000000101b     ; foreground ==  5
@@f_Yellow      EQU     00000000000110b     ; foreground ==  6
@@f_White       EQU     00000000000111b     ; foreground ==  7

@@b_Black       EQU     00000000000000b     ; background ==  0
@@b_Blue        EQU     00001000000000b     ; background ==  1
@@b_Red         EQU     00010000000000b     ; background ==  2
@@b_Tan         EQU     00011000000000b     ; background ==  3
@@b_DarkGreen   EQU     10000000000000b     ; background ==  4
@@b_Green       EQU     10001000000000b     ; background ==  5
@@b_Yellow      EQU     10010000000000b     ; background ==  6
@@b_White       EQU     10011000000000b     ; background ==  7
@@b_Grey        EQU     01000000000000b     ; background ==  8
@@b_Gray        EQU     01000000000000b     ; background ==  8
@@b_Cyan        EQU     01001000000000b     ; background ==  9
@@b_Orange      EQU     01010000000000b     ; background == 10
@@b_Brown       EQU     01011000000000b     ; background == 11
@@b_Pink        EQU     11000000000000b     ; background == 12
@@b_LightBlue   EQU     11001000000000b     ; background == 13
@@b_YellowGreen EQU     11010000000000b     ; background == 14
@@b_Purple      EQU     11011000000000b     ; background == 15

@@f_BLK         EQU     00000000000000b     ; foreground ==  0
@@f_BLU         EQU     00000000000001b     ; foreground ==  1
@@f_RED         EQU     00000000000010b     ; foreground ==  2
@@f_TAN         EQU     00000000000011b     ; foreground ==  3
@@f_DGR         EQU     00000000000100b     ; foreground ==  4
@@f_GRN         EQU     00000000000101b     ; foreground ==  5
@@f_YEL         EQU     00000000000110b     ; foreground ==  6
@@f_WHT         EQU     00000000000111b     ; foreground ==  7
@@b_BLK         EQU     00000000000000b     ; background ==  0
@@b_BLU         EQU     00001000000000b     ; background ==  1
@@b_RED         EQU     00010000000000b     ; background ==  2
@@b_TAN         EQU     00011000000000b     ; background ==  3
@@b_DGR         EQU     10000000000000b     ; background ==  4
@@b_GRN         EQU     10001000000000b     ; background ==  5
@@b_YEL         EQU     10010000000000b     ; background ==  6
@@b_WHT         EQU     10011000000000b     ; background ==  7
@@b_GRY         EQU     01000000000000b     ; background ==  8
@@b_CYN         EQU     01001000000000b     ; background ==  9
@@b_ORG         EQU     01010000000000b     ; background == 10
@@b_BRN         EQU     01011000000000b     ; background == 11
@@b_PNK         EQU     11000000000000b     ; background == 12
@@b_LBL         EQU     11001000000000b     ; background == 13
@@b_YGR         EQU     11010000000000b     ; background == 14
@@b_PUR         EQU     11011000000000b     ; background == 15

@@GRAM          EQU     00100000000000b     ; Select card from GRAM
@@GROM          EQU     00000000000000b     ; Select card from GROM


;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  disp_ptr(r, c)                                                          ;;
;;  Generates a pointer to display memory for a given row and column #.     ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      r   Row number.  0 is top row, 11 is bottom row.                    ;;
;;      c   Column number.  0 is left edge, 19 is right edge.               ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO disp_ptr(r, c)
        ($200 + %r%*20 + %c%)

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  disp_ofs(r, c)                                                          ;;
;;  Generates offset into display buffer that corresponds to a given row    ;;
;;  and column number.                                                      ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      r   Row number.  0 is top row, 11 is bottom row.                    ;;
;;      c   Column number.  0 is left edge, 19 is right edge.               ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO disp_ofs(r, c)
        (%r%*20 + %c%)

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  DISP_OFS    r, c                                                        ;;
;;  Generates an offset into display memory for a given row and column #    ;;
;;  held in registers.  Result is left in "c".  The value "r" is left       ;;
;;  left-shifted by 4.  Both "r" and "c" must be different registers.       ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      r   Register holding row number.  Must be R0 through R3.            ;;
;;      c   Register holding column number.  Result will be left in this    ;;
;;          register.                                                       ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO   DISP_OFS    r,  c
        SLL     %r%,    2
        ADDR    %r%,    %c%
        SLL     %r%,    2
        ADDR    %r%,    %c%

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  DISP_OFS3   r, c, rs                                                    ;;
;;  Generates an offset into display memory for a given row and column #    ;;
;;  held in registers.  Result is left in "rs".  Both "r" and "c" are       ;;
;;  left unmodified.  All three arguments must point to different           ;;
;;  registers.                                                              ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      r   Register holding row number.                                    ;;
;;      c   Register holding column number.                                 ;;
;;      rs  Register to hold the result.  Must be R0 through R3.            ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO   DISP_OFS3   r,  c,  rs
        MOVR    %r%,    %rs%
        SLL     %rs%,   2
        ADDR    %r%,    %rs%
        SLL     %rs%,   2
        ADDR    %c%,    %rs%

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  DISP_PTR    r, c                                                        ;;
;;  Generates a pointer to display memory for a given row and column #      ;;
;;  held in registers.  Result is left in "c".  The value "r" is left       ;;
;;  left-shifted by 4.  Both "r" and "c" must be different registers.       ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      r   Register holding row number.  Must be R0 through R3.            ;;
;;      c   Register holding column number.  Result will be left in this    ;;
;;          register.                                                       ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO   DISP_PTR    r,  c
        DISP_OFS    r,  c
        ADDI    #$200,  %c%

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  DISP_PTR3   r, c, rs                                                    ;;
;;  Generates a pointer to display memory for a given row and column #      ;;
;;  held in registers.  Result is left in "rs".  Both "r" and "c" are       ;;
;;  left unmodified.  All three arguments must point to different           ;;
;;  registers.                                                              ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      r   Register holding row number.                                    ;;
;;      c   Register holding column number.                                 ;;
;;      rs  Register to hold the result.  Must be R0 through R3.            ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO   DISP_PTR3   r,  c
        DISP_OFS3   r,  c,  rs
        ADDI        #$200,  %rs%


;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  End of File:  stic.mac                                                  ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;