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Revision as of 05:36, 12 September 2008

These macros provide useful wrappers around the various PRINT routines in print.asm. See the source code below for documentation.

Source Code

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  PRINT.MAC                                           Default Macro Set   ;;
;;  Macros that simplify printing.                                          ;;
;;  Joseph Zbiciak <intvnut AT gmail.com>                                   ;;
;;  These macros are hereby released into the Public Domain.                ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;; 



;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  PRINT_CSTK r, c, fg, s                                                  ;;
;;  Prints a string at r, c, in foreground color 'fg', using SDK-1600's     ;;
;;  PRINT.FLS.  This macro is intended for use in color-stack mode.         ;;
;;  This macro adds terminating NUL to the string for you.                  ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      r   Row to print string at                                          ;;
;;      c   Column to print string at                                       ;;
;;      fg  Color to print string in                                        ;;
;;      s   String to print.                                                ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  EXAMPLE                                                                 ;;
;;      PRINT_CSTK 10, 5, Yellow, "Hello World!"                            ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO   PRINT_CSTK r, c, fg, s
        CALL    PRINT.FLS
        DECLE   gen_cstk_card(0, GROM, %fg%, NoAdvance)
        DECLE   disp_ptr(%r%, %c%)
        STRING  %s%, 0

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  PRINT_FGBG r, c, fg, bg, s                                              ;;
;;  Prints a string at r, c, in foreground color 'fg' and background color  ;;
;;  'bg', using SDK-1600's PRINT.FLS.  This macro is intended for use in    ;;
;;  Foreground/Background mode.  This macro adds terminating NUL to the     ;;
;;  string for you.                                                         ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  ARGUMENTS                                                               ;;
;;      r   Row to print string at                                          ;;
;;      c   Column to print string at                                       ;;
;;      fg  Foreground color for string                                     ;;
;;      bg  Background color for string                                     ;;
;;      s   String to print.                                                ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  EXAMPLE                                                                 ;;
;;      PRINT_FGBG 10, 5, Yellow, Blue, "Hello World!"                      ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;
MACRO   PRINT_FGBG r, c, fg, bg, s
        CALL    PRINT.FLS
        DECLE   gen_fgbg_card(0, GROM, %fg%, %bg%)
        DECLE   disp_ptr(%r%, %c%)
        STRING  %s%, 0


;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  End of File:  print.mac                                                 ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;