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Functions Provided

Entry pointFunction providedNotes
SAYNUM16Speak a 16-bit decimal number via the IntellivoiceQueues the number fragments using IV_PLAYW. The call will block if the voice queue lacks enough room to queue the number. Uses RESROM samples to say the number.

See source code below for calling convention.


(todo... please contribute!)


This function requires the Intellivoice driver in ivoice.asm, and the symbols defined in resrom.asm.

There's an alternate version of this code that speaks numbers using the SP0256-AL2 allophones. (Link to be added.)

Source Code

;* ======================================================================== *;
;*  These routines are placed into the public domain by their author.  All  *;
;*  copyright rights are hereby relinquished on the routines and data in    *;
;*  this file.  -- Joseph Zbiciak, 2008                                     *;
;* ======================================================================== *;

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  NAME                                                                    ;;
;;      IV_SAYNUM16 Say a 16-bit unsigned number using RESROM digits        ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  AUTHOR                                                                  ;;
;;      Joseph Zbiciak <intvnut AT>                               ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  REVISION HISTORY                                                        ;;
;;      16-Sep-2002 Initial revision . . . . . . . . . . .  J. Zbiciak      ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  INPUTS for IV_INIT                                                      ;;
;;      R0      Number to "speak"                                           ;;
;;      R5      Return address                                              ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  OUTPUTS                                                                 ;;
;;                                                                          ;;
;;  DESCRIPTION                                                             ;;
;;      "Says" a 16-bit number using IV_PLAYW to queue up the phrase.       ;;
;;      Because the number may be built from several segments, it could     ;;
;;      easily eat up the queue.  I believe the longest number will take    ;;
;;      7 queue entries -- that is, fill the queue.  Thus, this code        ;;
;;      could block, waiting for slots in the queue.                        ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;

            PSHR    R5

            TSTR    R0
            BEQ     @@zero          ; Special case:  Just say "zero"

            ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;
            ;;  First, try to pull off 'thousands'.  We call ourselves      ;;
            ;;  recursively to play the the number of thousands.            ;;
            ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;
            CLRR    R1
@@thloop:   INCR    R1
            SUBI    #1000,  R0
            BC      @@thloop

            ADDI    #1000,  R0
            PSHR    R0
            DECR    R1
            BEQ     @@no_thousand

            CALL    IV_SAYNUM16.recurse

            CALL    IV_PLAYW
            DECLE   RESROM.thousand
            PULR    R1

            ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;
            ;;  Now try to play hundreds.                                   ;;
            ;; ------------------------------------------------------------ ;;
            MVII, R0
            CMPI    #100,   R1
            BNC     @@no_hundred

@@hloop:    INCR    R0
            SUBI    #100,   R1
            BC      @@hloop
            ADDI    #100,   R1

            PSHR    R1

            CALL    IV_PLAYW.1

            CALL    IV_PLAYW
            DECLE   RESROM.hundred

            PULR    R1
            B       @@notrecurse    ; skip "PSHR R5"
@@recurse:  PSHR    R5              ; recursive entry point for 'thousand'

            MOVR    R1,     R0
            BEQ     @@leave

            SUBI    #20,    R1
            BNC     @@teens

            MVII    #RESROM.twenty-1, R0
@@tyloop    INCR    R0
            SUBI    #10,    R1
            BC      @@tyloop
            ADDI    #10,    R1

            PSHR    R1
            CALL    IV_PLAYW.1

            PULR    R0
            TSTR    R0
            BEQ     @@leave

@@zero:     ADDI, R0

            CALL    IV_PLAYW.1

@@leave     PULR    PC

;; ======================================================================== ;;
;;  End of File:  saynum16.asm                                              ;;
;; ======================================================================== ;;